Missing Features / Quirks of Web Reports 8.0

(imported topic written by dgibson91)

We have been using Web Reports 8.0 for about a week now and we are unable to recreate some reports that used to work in 7.2. Overall, I like the improvements, but it seems we have lost some functionality as well.

  1. how do we recreate the dashboard view in 7.2? Specifically the pie chart that breaks down the severity of fixlets. It was similar to the chart from the

sidebar gadget

  1. how can we create an analysis report that is filterable?

In the previous version, we could …

Create a new report -> Analysis -> All Analyses -> Application Information (Windows) -> Apply filter

We could then see all applications installed and filter by computer group.

  1. What happened to grouping?

We used to be able to group the results by any property. Any report that used this in 7.2 can no longer be filtered or edited now that they have been converted to 8.0.

  1. Exact matches for filters.

The new filtering is great, but I wish there was a result lookup for the comparison like there is for the the property name. I find myself reffering to the console for the exact value i want to enter to the right of the “Is” or “starts with” field.

  1. Filter Doesn’t show on Printable Reports

When printing a report, is there a way to have the filter show on the printout?

Can offer a workaround to any of these issues?