Missing BigFix MSI

I see several topics that reference a BigFix MSI installer in the C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise location, however I do not see this location for installers. Where else can I get my MSI? I tried using BESClientSetupMSI.exe but it is not installed on our server either. We ran the installation generator when we built a new root server for our environment with version 10.0.1

I do have an old MSI for version 9.5, is there a way to update it to the latest version?

Normally when you run the Installation Generator, it creates the installers under C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers.

However, you may not have run the Installation Generator on the same machine, or installed to the default folder.

The easiest thing is probably to run the Installation Generator over again. From the https://software.bigfix.com page, don’t use the “BigFix Server” link on that page, either open the 10.0.5 Release page or any earlier release page:

From the Releases page, download & run the Installation Generator:

It should ask for your masthead file (actionsite.afxm) which is uses to customize the MSI installers for your environment. When the Installation Generator is run, it should create the ‘BES Installers’ folder containing the Server, Console, Relay, Client, and ClientMSI folders.

Once you have those, to keep it up to date going forward you’d usually use the “Updated Installation Folders Available” fixlets from the BES Support site.

Thanks Jason, that did the trick

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