Missing "BigFix Management" Domain

(imported topic written by wolf35991)

I have just completed a production install of TEM. However, when I log into the Console the only Domain that I can see is the “All Content” Domain. I would also expect to see the “BigFix Management” Domain. Selecting the “Add or remove Buttons” option does not show this missing Domain either. It just does not appear to be present at all. I believe this should be present as a default configuration.

Please could anyone suggest a likely explanation or solution to this issue?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi wolf35991,

Do you have your TEM server to access the internet fully? I guess that the screen you’re looking at is because of unlicensed state and your TEM server needs to validate your license and get the appropriate content from IBM.

You have 2 options; one is to make your server sure to access the IBM server via internet, another is to use the AirGap tool to validate. AirGap tool is a work around for TEM server having no access to the internet.

See the detail instruction below;

Installing in an Air-Gapped Network


AirGap Visual Guide

