Migration of BigFix-ILMT server


We have our BigFix-ILMT server on RHEL 6, which we need to upgrade to RHEL7/8.

Hence we are planning to migrate it to a new linux sever. I have gone through the documentation links, but its complicated. So I would like to know simple step by step (in short) procedure if someone already did it recently.

Below are my questions:

  1. Can we use the same masthead, actionsite, license etc ? If yes, can we simply make the new server’s hostname same as old sever ? or do we have to consider any other things as well?

  2. What will be the procedure if we would like to upgrade ILMT to latest version as well?
    Or is it wise to first migrate with the same version and then upgrade ILMT later?


The online documentation (ILMT and BigFix) has documented process to move application and database from one serer to another server.

  1. Use the same masthead (with the RHEL 7/8 having the same hostname as the current server). Other wise the clients will need to be reset and will result in rebundling of ILMT data
  2. Keep the migration and upgrade as separate steps for better control. The sequence doesn’t matter

BigFix Server Migration:

ILMT Migration:
Move DB2 databases to the new server: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS8JFY_9.2.0/com.ibm.lmt.doc/Inventory/admin/t_moving_database.html
Install ILMT with existing database (from above step): https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS8JFY_9.2.0/com.ibm.lmt.doc/Inventory/admin/t_reinstall_existing_db.html


thank you @ssakunala. this links were what I was looking for. well our migration is planned for next month, will prepare the steps in the meantime.