Migrate Compliance Analytics server to new host

Has anyone performed a migration of the Compliance Analytics server to a new host? The database is not co-located. Is it similar to the process described in the Inventory documentation? @JasonWalker can you chime in on this? Thanks.

If you’re planning to keep the existing database as-is and just move the web platform to a new host, I think it’s as easy as running a new clean installation and then copying over the files referenced in this KB at Migrating BigFix Compliance Server to a new machine - Customer Support from the old host to the new one. It’s been a few years since I did a Compliance migration but I don’t recall it being all that complicated.

(Just take backups first, both application and database)


Thanks for the KB article. It would be helpful to have it in the documentation as well.

It’s partially described as Disaster Recovery process in the documentation.

Thanks for the link to the DR docs.