Apparently this is not something that BigFix inventory is very good at; we have several false negatives w/ the built in Bigfix Inventory Reporting.
In the console I’m looking at this relevance:
exists keys whose (default value of it as string contains (regex “Microsoft (Access|Excel|OneNote|Outlook|Powerpoint|Publisher|Word) MUI.*”)) of keys “16.0\Common\InstalledPackages” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office” of (x32 registries;x64 registries)
It does a good job except for a few things. 1) Office 2019 and 2016 are both version 16.0. Thanks MS. 2) It doesn’t differentiate between standard and Pro Licensing.
However, there are machines generated by this relevance that Inventory is not finding.
Does anybody else have a good solution? We have an audit coming soon and this is quite irksome.
(exists keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall” whose (exists values whose(name of it = “DisplayName” AND it as string contains “Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 - en-us” ) of it) of registry)
Which returns false, even though I know its true, and :
(values “DisplayName” of it, values “UninstallString” of it) of keys of keys “HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall” of ( x32 registries;x64 registries)
I got there. You can change the string values to look for specific products, and years. You can use the relevance from my first post to look for specific applications.
(exists value whose(name of it = “DisplayName” AND it as string as lowercase contains “microsoft office professional” as lowercase AND it as string contains “2019” ) of it of keys of keys “HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall” of ( x32 registries;x64 registries))