MDM Enterprise app store

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I want to enable enterprise app store on TEM MDM, should I need “iOS Developer Enterprise Program”?

another question is “IPA” file install, what kind ipa file can I add into MDM recommend app list?

Alan Lai

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Alan,

You don’t need the Apple developer or enterprise agreement unless you want to build your own apps. If you just want to link to apps from the App Store, then choose the second option to “import from Apple App Store”… Some more info is here:

If you are indeed interested in building internal apps for Android/iOS, consider looking at our friends at


, which is a recently acquired IBM company that helps companies build standardized and secured apps on multiple platforms. BigFix + Worklight + some other IBM mobile products make up the recently announced

IBM Mobile Foundation



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Ben,

Our customers want to develop their own iOS app for their enterprise usage, they don’t want to place those app in to apple store. we try to import “IPA” file via TEM MDM, it seems works, but I wonder Apple allow us to deploy app to iOS without their certificate.

Our sales propose another solution from IBM Korea, “SpoSA”, similar to TEM MDM + worklight but it’s heavy. but most customers looking for lite solution, if TEM MDM can deploy their own apps, that is most suitable solution to them.

Alan Lai

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Alan,

As far as I know, if you want to create an Apple app, then you will need an agreement with Apple (either “developer” to create apps for the app store or “enterprise” to create apps for your internal enterprise environment). So my understanding is that Apple will not allow you to create apps and distribute them other than these ways.

You can certainly use our Mobile Device Management solution to import your enterprise (or app store) apps from Worklight or created in some other system and deploy them to your devices.

Hope that helps,


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Ben,

Thanks, you are correct, I had discussed with a iOS developer yesterday for detail scenario. if user want to deploy custom-made app to their iOS devices, they need to have apple developer account, that is $299/year fee, then Apple will allow they to include their certificate in their custom-made app. iOS device can accept those apps.

Alan Lai