Many clients show <not reported> missing inventory data

Hello. I have IEM 9.5.2 and looking in the Bigfix console “computers” about 500 of my 20K computers are not reporting Windows inventory. These computers are included to the BES Inventory and License site and have current Last Report Times. I’ve reviewed logs from some of the systems but do see any errors or failures. Could it be a catalog sync problem?

Many items from the Column Picker are showing as . such as
Monitor - Windows
Number of processors - Windows
OS Product ID - Windows
MAC Addresses - Windows
Number of Fixed drives - Windows
OS Type - Windows
Uptime - Windows

When I open the summary any of these computers the “Application Information (Windows)” section is not listed,

Any suggestions?

Is the analysis activated globally that provides the information or just by a single operator?

Yes "Application Information (Windows) " is activated globally.

I think you need to check your FillDB logs to see if some reports are being dropped

Do you have any kind of Proxy Agents in your deployment? VMWare management extender, Bare Metal OSD, anything like that? Such Proxy Agents may appear to have the same computer names as the “Native” agent, and may report an OS, but will not be relevant to these analyses.

On some clients that show “not reported”, find the Agent Type property and see what that returns.