Management Extender (proxy agent)

I’m looking for some documentation or perhaps a wiki article that explains how the proxy agent behaves. In the case of a real agent, the data loop is well documented, so troubleshooting is a bit less challenging.

The proxy agent, on the other hand, is a somewhat more mysterious. How do reports, for instance, from the proxied VMs (for the VMware Management Extender) get from the ...Plugins\VMWare ESXi 1\DeviceReports folder to the BigFix root server. It is clear to me that the relay on which the extender is installed is involved, as it would be for any real agents that register with it, but I have been unable to find data in any log file or combination of log files that captures the creation of the reports and their delivery to the FillDB process on the root server.

Can anyone provide any enlightenment on this topic?