Manage Properties

(imported topic written by jdefilip)

Is it possible to add a custom property to show the last logged on user account for a machine. The “User Name” is listed under Manged Properties however it will only show the current user that is logged onto the machine.

(display name of it & " (" & service name of it & ") | " & state of it) of services whose (exists display name of it AND (length of (display name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (display name of it as string) < (length of (display name of it as string))) AND exists service name of it AND (length of (service name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (service name of it as string) < (length of (service name of it as string))) AND exists state of it)

(imported comment written by jdefilip)

if exists current user then (name of current user) else (name of folder whose (modification time of file “ntuser.dat” of it = maximum of (modification times of files “ntuser.dat” of folders of folder (substring before “\All Users\Desktop” of (value “common desktop” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders” of registry as string)) ) ) of folder (substring before “\All Users\Desktop” of (value “common desktop” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders” of registry as string)))