Manage Download Plugins Dashboard

are the passwords entered here are encrypted? If so, what encryption it uses and how to verify it?
thanks in advance…

There is a “plugin.ini” file located within the “[BIGFIX_ROOT]\Download Plug-ins\[OS_PLUGIN]” directory. I believe that it contains a hashed version of the password.

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Thanks for the Inputs and how do i know, what is the plugin version of RHEL/AIX prior to configuring it?
any ideas on that?

Going from memory here…

When you go to configure the plugin from the dashboard you will get a take action dialog. Have a look at the action script within this action and you should be able to see a line in there that sets the version in a registry key (or maybe it’s a client setting).

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The plugin shouldn’t exist prior to configuring it. That is all configured and managed through the plugin dashboard.

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@jmaple @gearoid

Thanks for both of your inputs!

is there any way to identify the plugin version prior to registering the red hat download plugin or aix plugin?
our customer needs that information, prior to registering the plugins in Bigfix console!

thanks in advance

Almost certain what I outline above will allow you do this. You don’t have to actually take the action that gets created - you can discard the action once you know what the version is going to be. It will not run.
– Edit — here is the take action dialog showing where the version information is in the action script. Just click cancel to discard the action, the plugin will not be deployed.


If the plugin is already installed, the current version should be listed in one of the columns on the dashboard when you select whichever relay the plugin is installed on.

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I agree, But red hat download plugin is not registered in console yet. So, is there any other way to figure out the version prior to registration?


It’s not installed yet.

Again thanks for both of your support!

Just updated my post above with details of how you do this.

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the problem here is, to get the OS plugin credentials from customer, we should provide the plugin version details prior to that. So, I’m stuck!!

You don’t need that information to do the take action for AIX - I left those fields blank.

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The last announcement I got regarding the HPUX plugin was in August of 2015 and it stated the version was 2.4.4.

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Yeah, it works for AIX! thank you.

But for RHEL, there are mandatory feilds!

Just enter some dummy data - they are not validated.


That answers all my questions!
Thanks @gearoid and @jmaple for all your time in explaining me :slight_smile:

When you get time, please look on the encryption algorithm? what is being used in BigFix.

That I cannot answer. That would have to come from someone familiar with how it’s passed from the dashboard to the endpoint.

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You may want to get in touch with support for that information so you’re getting an official answer for the version and platform of BigFix you’re using

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