Major Post-Action "wtf?"

(imported topic written by mynameisbear91)

Okay so I reboot a big group of 100 computers, and then run some actions with a post-action reboot with a 1 minute timeout and force reboot.

The action completes. An hour later, 1/3 of them are still “pending message,” the rest restarted like they should.

(imported comment written by mynameisbear91)

No ideas why this might be happening?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

What OSes are running on the target computers? Has this happened just this one time or is a regular problem? What sort of actions did you run?

(imported comment written by mynameisbear91)


What OSes are running on the target computers? Has this happened just this one time or is a regular problem? What sort of actions did you run?

It happens regularly, and the client machines are Windows XP.

It really doesn’t matter what kinds of actions I run (although in this case it was some XP hotfixes w/ restart followed by another restart for good measure) it seems like a healthy percentage of my systems don’t restart like they should (and like the rest of the systems do) after actions complete, even if they’re sitting at the login screen.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey mynameisbearformerlyconrad,

When the agents are counting down to their restart, the last thing they will report is “pending message”. After they restart again, they have some work to do before they report again so you might see a delay before they report “completed”.

So you might just be seeing the last known status before the system restarted… You can test by waiting a little while longer (maybe an hour) and seeing what the status is… You might also add an ‘uptime of operating system’ property and see if the systems do restart… Finally, in older agents we used to have an issue where the agent didn’t get a chance to write out its action status before a restart and so the agent never updated its action status properly after a forced restart… I thought this was fixed as of 7.1, but it could be something like this too…
