Maintenance after deleting a ton of actions?

Hey folks, I have noticed something over the years and it is becoming more prominent, but after I delete a lot of actions that have expired, I notice that my automation jobs later in the night take a hit and a lot of them do not finish and are running sluggishly. We have a lot of server automation going on at night, but at the end of the week, I will be deleting thousands of actions, every week. It seems like these deleted actions are gumming something up. This only appears to occur after I delete these actions in bulk.

Should I be running a purge on the deleted items/audit, etc. after I delete these actions? I’m guessing that there is a best practice that I have not been implementing. Any help would be appreciated, thank you

Yes, check the Maintenance tab of the BES Admin Tool. It has options for cleaning up deleted computers/actions/Fixlets, and an option to schedule cleanup jobs automatically

Will do, I have a weekly one set up, but I never aligned it with me deleting these actions. Thank you