macOS 10.15 - Active Directory Path attribute is updating only once per day

We are working on a macOS deployment using JAMF and Bigfix. We are using Bigfix to move devices between OUs just like we do with Windows 10. On a macOS device running 10.15.2 and Bigfix agent 9.5.14, the active directory path attribute appears to update only once per day instead of every report. I have granted the binaries full disk access through the the Security and Privacy pane in Settings. I have also deployed a configuration profile via JAMF granting the same permissions. If I roll the device back to macOS 10.14.x the active directory path attribute is updated at each report as expected.

Is anyone else seeing this type of behavior?

There was some talk about this in the #macos channel in Slack on 1/27. I think the main takeaway was @atlauren discovering the _BESClient_Inspector_ActiveDirectory_Refresh_Seconds setting, though I’m not sure he had any luck with it.

I’ve already verified that the “_BESClient_Inspector_ActiveDirectory_Refresh_Seconds” setting is set on the computers in question. It seems to be something intrinsic to macOS 10.15 since when the OS is rolled back, it works as expected.

Besides, I believe the default for AD Refresh is 12 hours not 24 hours so even right “out of the box” it should update twice a day.