MAC Software Deployment Wizard - Need some help

(imported topic written by npedrosa91)


Im fairly new to MACs but have been using Bigfix for a while on Windows Machines.

I have .pkg file to install an MacCleanse to our MacClients. I have tested installing the pkg file through one of our client’s terminal and was successful installing the appication using the command…

sudo installer -pkg MacCleanse.pkg -target /

When I use the “Mac Software Deployment Wizard” through the bigfix console the action script is automatically created bellow. When running the action on test clients, the “Action Script Execution Detail” shows that all lines completed but the application doesnt install.

I noticed that the “wait installer -pkg “__Download/MacCleanse.pkg.tmp” -target /” has a .tmp extension, do you think this might be the reason the pkg installer is not installing the software.??

Any advice is appreciated.



Action Script::


continue if {(size of it = 291 AND sha1 of it = “ebaf514573eb3b8fc3545dbc9b816c6d7d1319aa”) of file “MacCleanse.pkg.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract MacCleanse.pkg.tmp

wait installer -pkg “__Download/MacCleanse.pkg.tmp” -target /

(imported comment written by doubleminus91)

Neil, we never use the Mac Wizard.

Instead, use the Windows one. Remove the .tmp. And note that there’s a bug where Bigfix will extract the .pkg incorrectly. We bundle the .pkg inside of another folder. Then upload that as the .pkg.

(imported comment written by gub1291)

doubleminus, can you expand on the “we bundle the .pkg inside of another folder” part?

I’m having an issue similar to Neil’s.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Since .pkg files are actually directories, we always put them in a disk image file (.dmg) so there’s no Mac-Windows file system confusion. This ensures the installer is in a single file (the dmg). In the action script:

  • download the dmg
  • mount the dmg using diskutil
  • run the pkg from the mounted volume
  • unmount the dmg

You can see the script for some of these steps in the code generated by the Mac deployment wizard.

  • Aaron