(imported topic written by EricWittersheim)
I’m trying to write a relevance clause to check to see if Firefox.app < “29.0.1”
The current version of Firefox installed is 29 and QNA on the mac reports the version as 29.0. But when I run
Q: version of application “Firefox.app” < “29.0.1”
A: False
T: 1626
Here are my results for getting the version.
Q: version of application “Firefox.app”
A: 29.0
T: 1747
Any ideas on how to get the correct results?
Thank you
(imported comment written by Chuxin)
I believe this is bug. The agent cannot parse a version number on Mac correctly sometime.
I had similar issue before.
(“29.0” as version < “29.0.1” as version) will return false on a Mac agent.
(“29.0.0” as version < “29.0.1” as version) will return true on a Mac agent.
You may want to try this,
(exists application “Firefox.app” whose ( version of it = “29.0” as version OR version of it < “29.0.1”))
(imported comment written by EricWittersheim)
Thanks for your reply. I got it to work by using
Q: bundle version of application “Firefox.app” < “2914.5.6”
I did try and see what your code would do.
Q: (exists application “Firefox.app” whose (version of it = “29.0” as version))
A: True
T: 1622
But now after the upgrade
Q: version of application “Firefox.app”
A: 29.0.1
T: 1605
It has to be a bug.
(imported comment written by Chuxin)
Oh, my bad.
should use string comparison for the first part.
(exists application “Firefox.app” whose ( version of it as string = “29.0” OR version of it < “29.0.1”))
this bug is very tricky.
(imported comment written by EricWittersheim)
That looks like the solution.
(exists application “Firefox.app” whose
(version of it as string = "29.0))
A: False
T: 17375
(exists application “Firefox.app” whose
(version of it as string = "29.0.1))
A: True
Thanks for your help. This is much easier than trying to get the bundle application version of the new version.
(imported comment written by Chuxin)
you are welcome. glad i can help. =)
(imported comment written by Chuxin)
Hi Eric,
I have been checking this issue with other people.
Turned out, it is a design change.
Comparisons are done at the minimum length of one side.
(“9” as version = “” as version) is true, which is equivalent to (“9” as version = “9” as version)
In your original case,
” as version < “
” as version) is false, which is equivalent to (“
” as version < “
” as version)
(imported comment written by EricWittersheim)
Thanks for checking. If that is the case I think that is not a good change. Additionally, on the Windows side I don’t see the same results. So they only made the design change for Mac?
(imported comment written by Chuxin)
I tested on a 9.0 agent on Windows, it gives same result as it on Mac.
(“10” as version < “10.1” as version) is false.
Pre-9.0 agents are designed to return true for this relevance. But they have been fixed if I am not wrong.
May 29, 2014, 4:40pm
(imported comment written by EricWittersheim)
Ok I see the difference. In Windows I was using version of regapp. Which gives me the results I was expecting. It is the version of the file object that doesn’t behave as I hoped it would. Thanks for looking into this.
Q: version of regapp “Chrome.exe”
A: 35.0.1916.114
T: 0.850 ms
Q: version of regapp “Chrome.exe” < “35.0.1916.116”
A: True
T: 0.941 ms
June 2, 2014, 12:31am
(imported comment written by jgstew)
(pad of version of application “Firefox.app”) < (“29.0.1”)
(pad of version of application “Firefox.app”) < (“29.0.1” as version)
There are definitely some inconsistencies between the Mac version comparison and Windows version comparison.