I’ve got an interesting problem. I have hundreds of Mac computers that are not domain-joined and are just using local user accounts. I need to link that data to our Active Directory infrastructure so we can report to management on Mac computers that don’t have TEM installed yet (and are thus out of compliance). These Macs all use a connection to Exchange (Mail, Outlook, etc.). Is there a way to grab that information through TEM? Trying to line up Mac users with AD users so we can report back to mgmt.
Here is some relevance to find email account info on Macs I’ve used that might help get you started:
For Mail.app
(strings "Username" of it, strings "Hostname" of it, strings "AccountType" of it) of dictionaries 1 of arrays "MailAccounts" of dictionaries of files "Accounts.plist" of folders "MailData" of folders of folders "Mail" of folders "Library" of folders of folders "/Users"
For Thunderbird
(lines of files "prefs.js" of folders of folders "Profiles" of folders "Thunderbird" of folders "Library" of folders of folders "/Users") whose (it contains "useremail")