Mac OS X 10.7 Fixlets vs Apple Software Update

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Can we get a quick clarification on what content we should expect to see delivered as fixlets for OS X?

After applying 10.7.2 through TEM we see:

Apple Software Update Shows:

Lion Recovery Update 1.0

Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.1

iTunes 10.5.1

Thunderbolt Firmware Update 1.0

Safari 5.1.2

MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.3

Digital Camera Raw Compatabilty Update 3.9

MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.5

TEM Shows:

iTunes 10.5.1 Available (Client)



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

For Mac OS X, we generally only provide the following updates for client versions of Mac OS X:

  • Mac OS X version and security updates (not firmware updates)
  • iTunes
  • Java security updates
  • QuickTime
  • Safari

The Safari 5.1.2 should be out by the end of today (as I already mentioned in your other thread). As for the rest, we don’t cover it by default. If you talk to support, they might be able to give you a reason why, or if there’s enough people requesting it, then we’ll add support for it.