Mac - Java 8 update 91

Hello all,

I’ve just customised the following Fixlet provided by IBM ‘UPDATE: Java Runtime Environment 8 update 91 Available’ and followed the instructions on downloading and renaming.

In part the fixlet works, it gets downloaded and installed on the host when. But when launching Safari, a Java Test reports that there is no java plugin.
Checking the Java Prefs I’m able to see that it is installed and with the new version of 8u91 (updating from 8u71).
Safari and the host has been restarted with no effect. Reinstalling 8u91 manually on the machine resolves this issue.

Is anyone else having this issue or can provide me with some guidance on how to resolve this?

This is the fixlet action:

prefetch jre-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg sha1:b80b468ae5ab5c8e5adaea62474a1fc75d4f39d3 size:67393703 http://This-part-is-working/jre-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg sha256:5f09da7d435f990011cb648d3fd2b6f0dd912dd9ae1152829cd7cf0a1fa58aa1
wait cp "{posix path of file "jre-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}" "/private/tmp/"

wait hdiutil attach -quiet -noautoopen -nobrowse -private -mountpoint "/Volumes/jre-8u91-macosx-x64"  "/private/tmp/jre-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg"

wait rm -rf "/private/tmp/jre-8u91-macosx-x64.dmg"

wait cp -r "/Volumes/jre-8u91-macosx-x64/Java 8 update" "/private/tmp/Java 8 update"

wait /bin/bash -c "devname=`df | grep jre-8u91-macosx-x64 | awk '{{print $1}'`; hdiutil detach -force $devname;"

wait installer -pkg "/private/tmp/Java 8 update" -target /

action requires restart

Adding this line in seems to have helped

wait rm -rf "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin"