Lwmailer not sending emails for custom report

Hi Leads,

I’m using the lwmailer to send Webreports of schedulable compliance report by content & computers report, below customized script to send emails, but it is not working and not triggering emails.

lwmailer.exe -smtp_server=<SMTP name> -smtp_port=25 -smtp_enablessl=no -mail_to="abc@hcl.com,xyz@customerdomain.org" -mail_from=noreply@customerdomain.org -subject="<activityname>" -message_body="Please find the compliance Report Attached" -attachment="<reportfile>" -output_format=html

Trying to figure out, what I have missed and Why my emails/reports are not triggering.
BigFix Version is on 10.0.2, my SMTP is working as expected from scheduled triggers (without using lwmailer).