<not reported>

(imported topic written by rameshku)


The action status against default action taken for a fixlet is shown as not reported. Checked with the knowledge base which gave me two possibilities for it to show status which is

  1. Clients offline

  2. UDP 52311 not open between server and the client.

But in my case both these conditions are met i.e. client is online as well as UDP 52311 is also open.

Is there any other possibilities of getting this status and how can I fix it ?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi rameshku,

If there is any reason that would cause the agents not to get the notification UDP messages or if they can’t gather the new actions for any reason, they would stay at .

You can look at the BES Client log for clues: http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=302

But I suggest you start a support case so someone can look at the issue with you.


(imported comment written by dunk63)

i have had this same problem a couple time myself i found two fixes for this.

  1. is to stop and start the Bes service running on the systems that are not reporting.

  2. using the bes removal tool and remove the Bes client from the system that is not reporting and than reinstall it.

(imported comment written by kaushalw91)

Use BESclientrefresher.exe and run it on the server. This would resolve your problem

(imported comment written by MrFixit)

We are running and have observed an interesting behaivor but I’ve not been able to confirm this yet with support or in any documentation including the knowledge base.

We were installing several patches both standalone and a number that were bundled in baselines. Quite often a system would go through a baseline or two before the remaining actions would get stuck at .

The preferred resolutions were found by operators and included restarting the client or rebooting the node.

This week I noticed a commonality in the logs when the agent “decides” to no longer process new actions.

As soon as the BESClient log shows that a “Restart Needed” it stops processing these new actions. It continues to evaluate and report but the remaining actions that were issued back to back will remain at until something is done to jar things loose. Since reboots take time the preferred action is to recycle the BESClient and the remaining actions take off immediately.

Have others seen this? I’ll be getting ahod of support first thing next week, but I thought I’d try the forum first.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

I don’t believe this is a known issue… But note that we have made quite a few changes to the agent to improve its reporting behavior (especially across restarts) since… I would recommend you consider upgrading some time soon so you have the latest/greatest agent…
