Long and Short of OSD

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Here is a copy of my Unattend with all the sensitive info redacted

The capture action completes on every step and the unit boots to the Bigfix OS Deployment for Windows PE where I just get a command prompt.

Where would the PE drivers be located on the C drive?

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

Let’s backup. How,exactly, are you providing drivers.



be doing one of the following:

  1. Use Driver Management dashboard and opt to use Driver Management in the Capture Dashboard.

  2. Use field “Path to WinPE drivers” to specify a folder containing all Windows 7 drivers that you found applicable for this machine.

JasonHonda wrote:

In PE can you try navigating to c: or d: to see if you have disk drivers. More logs on the machine can be found (c\d\x):\windows\temp\

How did that go? Remember, you can access a command prompt in PE by pressing the F8 key.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

  1. Yes (all 75 Dell Inc drivers uploaded from both the Dell provided PE drivers and the Dell provided Win 7 x64 drivers)

  2. Yes (pointed to a folder of deployable Windows 7 x64 drivers created by Dell)

PE dumps me to a command prompt right now.

The X:\Windows\Temp contains the same files I uploaded

C:\Windows\Temp has a lot of stuff in there, but no OSDLOGS or SMSTSLog folders

Those folders called Desktop 1.0 or Laptop 3.0 in its original form, are the folders that contain all the drivers we use when we do a driver prep before syspreping the machine to Ghost it.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Since I cannot go back and edit a post (note to IBM : Add in an edit post feature)

Here is a screenshot of my drivers library. Highlighted is the system I am working on.

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

Okay, so it sounds like you have SCSI access in PE, you should also make sure you have NIC (type ipconfig and make sure u get an IP from your DHCP server).

Next test will be to


make ANY customizations and attempt to capture using our capture dashboard. Does that work?

If you made 5 customizations, try running a capture again…making 1 customization at a time until you’ve narrowed down the problem. That is what I would do…

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

That is the issue. I do not get anything when I type IPCONFIG. So I think it is missing the NIC drivers in PE even though they are specified to be there. These same drivers are also located in C:\Windows\Drivers\Dell\Win7-Notebook-3.0\x64\network

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

From your screenshot it looks as though there were multiple matching drivers - try:

  1. No drivers - don’t specify any drivers. Have you tried this? Sometimes when you specify the wrong driver (even though it matches the PNP-ID) it still gets applied and you run into failures such as this. WinPE is like mini-windows7 and has a bunch of generic drivers that work about 80% of the time out of box.

  2. If you’re sure that the drivers you specified are correct for Windows 7 and the arch to which you’re deploying, then I would not use Driver Management and only specify a single NIC driver (if 1 fails) in the Capture Dashboard for PE drivers until you find the one that works for that architecture.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I made a folder and put only the drivers that were installed on this test system in it. Still no dice.

I am trying on an Dell E6520, but I think the issue might be Sandy Bridge, so I am going to try on an E6500.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

So Dell E6500 gets network connection. I get an IP. I can ping the TEM server. But same issue. Just drops me out to a command prompt. Does not even run litetouch.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

So I went back and uninstalled MDT and let TEM install the MDT for me. This time it found the BFOSD folders and had tasks in it. I ran it, and right now it is currenty “Running Action: Create WIM”

So note to anyone else:

Do not use a Sandy Bridge computer i.e. Dell Latitude 6520 or Dell Mobile Precision M6600 and let TEM install all of the components for you

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)

I’m glad things are starting to work for you. Maybe MDT was an incorrect version. We currently do little validation on that, so your resulting MDT Bundle could have been incorrect. We’re adding into future versions better validation on that standpoint.

With OSD, there are so many variables at play, so something that looked like maybe drivers, ended up being a incorrectly built MDT bundle probably. It’s hard to diagnose these situations when they come up without really going through everything carefully to see if everything is set up properly and through the forums is much harder than when we can set up a support call with a screen sharing session, we can catch issues a lot easier that way.

Hope everything starts to go much smoother now for you.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

This was exactly the problem I had. When I first starting trying it out, I just used the link from the PDF and the kindly MS people just repointed me to MDT2012 instead of 2010. So after a ton of troubleshooting it was determined that we had the wrong version. I also tried the TEM task to deploy, but that was right at the time that MS released 2012 so the fixlet was also using 2012. The fixlet was updated just shortly after and it deployed the right version.

Yuck, forgot about that.

Martin Carnegie

Gulf Breeze Software Partners


(imported comment written by SamuelMak)

Hey guys,

I encountered an issue with the final part.

I’ve done my mdt, captured an image, imported an image.

Now I’m stuck at re-imaging.

It seems TEM can’t find the .wim i uploaded.

When i checked back to Image Library, there is a warning sign showing File uploads in progress.

Can someone help?

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

Hi Samuel,

Please check your healthchecks dashboard and make sure all critical items are green. I suspect that you did not install the Upload Maintenance Service on your TEM Server.

(imported comment written by SamuelMak)

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the reply, but I’m getting all Green.

I’ve changed the upload maintenance to every 5 mins, hopping to trigger an upload.

Sorry for flooding, but see below for the logs.


Samuel Mak


Wed, 11 Jul 2012 11:08:16 +0800

Service Started.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:53:02 +0800

Service Started.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:47:20 +0800

Service Started.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:09 +0800

Stopping Service

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:09 +0800

Service Stopped

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:19 +0800

Service Started.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:19 +0800

Loading task configuration file: BESUploadMaintenanceService.xml

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:19 +0800

Loaded task: BESUploadMaintenanceService

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Task ‘BESUploadMaintenanceService’ run by command: “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Applications\BESUploadMaintenanceService\uploadmaintenanceservice.exe” -dsn bes_bfenterprise -sausername -sapassword -scandelay 2 -uploadsdir “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes”

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:03:46 +0800

Service Started.

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:03:47 +0800

Loading task configuration file: BESUploadMaintenanceService.xml

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:03:47 +0800

Loaded task: BESUploadMaintenanceService

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:03:48 +0800

Task ‘BESUploadMaintenanceService’ run by command: “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Applications\BESUploadMaintenanceService\uploadmaintenanceservice.exe” -dsn bes_bfenterprise -sausername -sapassword -scandelay 2 -uploadsdir “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes”

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:48 +0800

Loading task configuration file: BESUploadMaintenanceService.xml

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:48 +0800

Loaded task: BESUploadMaintenanceService

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:48 +0800

Stopping Service

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:49 +0800

Service Stopped

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:51 +0800

Service Started.

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:51 +0800

Loading task configuration file: BESUploadMaintenanceService.xml

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:51 +0800

Loaded task: BESUploadMaintenanceService

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:01:52 +0800

Task ‘BESUploadMaintenanceService’ run by command: “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Applications\BESUploadMaintenanceService\uploadmaintenanceservice.exe” -dsn bes_bfenterprise -sausername -sapassword -scandelay 10 -uploadsdir “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes”


Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070\MDTResource.BFOSDSHA1: 46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070deleted due to file pointer value 0.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

File: 46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070\MDTResource.BFOSD in uploads folder was deleted. Checking folder if fully empty.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Empty folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070 has been deleted.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Delete file pointer: OSD_FilePointer_46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070 success.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Delete orphan: OSD_Orphan_46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070 success.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Found file in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\73F38F75EA9FE1335B45D490E69071299BE271A1Orphan record can be deleted.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Found file in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\1486037A5754AB02EA70F0E42B07C71EB61E09B0Orphan record can be deleted.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Delete orphan: OSD_Orphan_73F38F75EA9FE1335B45D490E69071299BE271A1 success.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Delete orphan: OSD_Orphan_1486037A5754AB02EA70F0E42B07C71EB61E09B0 success.

Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:52:20 +0800

Folder: 46309ACB6EF52CB9B381B0A28516EADCBBDAE070 in uploads folder was deleted.

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:04:10 +0800

Could not connect to DSN: bes_bfenterpriseusing username: -sapassword

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:04:10 +0800

Error in executing query to find 100 File Pointers with value 0: select top 100 newid() as row, name from dbo.dashboarddata where name like ‘OSD_FilePointer_%’ and convert(int, convert(varchar, convert(varbinary, value) ) ) < 1 and IsDeleted=0 and DashboardId=‘OSDeployment.ojo’ order by row

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:04:27 +0800

Could not connect to DSN: bes_bfenterpriseusing username: -sapassword

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:04:27 +0800

Error in executing query to find 100 orphan pointers: select top 100 newid() as row, name from dbo.dashboarddata where name like ‘OSD_Orphan_%’ and IsDeleted=0 and DashboardId=‘OSDeployment.ojo’ order by row

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:05:29 +0800

Could not connect to DSN: bes_bfenterpriseusing username: -sapassword

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:05:29 +0800

Error in executing query to find 100 File Pointers with value 0: select top 100 newid() as row, name from dbo.dashboarddata where name like ‘OSD_FilePointer_%’ and convert(int, convert(varchar, convert(varbinary, value) ) ) < 1 and IsDeleted=0 and DashboardId=‘OSDeployment.ojo’ order by row

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:19:30 +0800

Delete file pointer: OSD_FilePointer_85158B130CD7DB53073FFA9C9FE4C0E3D49F4083 success.

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:19:30 +0800

Delete orphan: OSD_Orphan_85158B130CD7DB53073FFA9C9FE4C0E3D49F4083 success.

Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:21:10 +0800

Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\85158B130CD7DB53073FFA9C9FE4C0E3D49F4083 is still empty, cannot de-orphan.

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

I see.

Check to see if there is a temp file in C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Temp - and whether or not this file is growing in size.

Check the Task Manager of the computer from which you initiated the upload of the WIM for uploadmanager.exe – is it running still?

Can you find the Uploadmanager log found on the computer on which you uploaded the WIM, and attach that last couple to a reply in this tread. You can find this log at %TEMP%\OSDeployment\uploadmanager_12345.log (where 12345 is a timestamp). This will tell us whether or not the upload was successful - or if there are problems.

(imported comment written by SamuelMak)

Hi Kevin,

I tried to clear my cache, restart console, restart server.

So far still no image available.

Please see the below reply with “-”.



Check to see if there is a temp file in C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Temp - and whether or not this file is growing in size.

  • There is a 1.6gb file, not growing.

Check the Task Manager of the computer from which you initiated the upload of the WIM for uploadmanager.exe – is it running still?

  • The most suspicious process would be ruby.exe*32, i have like 7 of it running.
  • uploadmanager.exe is running at 2.7mb
  • uploadmaintenanceservice.exe is running at 1.7mb

Can you find the Uploadmanager log found on the computer on which you uploaded the WIM, and attach that last couple to a reply in this tread. You can find this log at %TEMP%\OSDeployment\uploadmanager_12345.log (where 12345 is a timestamp). This will tell us whether or not the upload was successful - or if there are problems.

  • Yes, upload complete
  • return code = 0

(imported comment written by SamuelMak)

Hey wait, quick check, does this support windows 7 professional?

(imported comment written by SamuelMak)

Hi All,

Sorry for the commotion.

The problem is solved already.

I deleted the file at wwwbesroot\temp\

and retried the image upload.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Was the deletion of the file in the Temp folder what resolved your problem or was it something else?