Hello Everyone,
Can anyone suggest how to fetch or retrieve machines information?
such as user login and logoff information from the machine using bigfix analysis.
For audit purpose.
Appreciate your response.
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone suggest how to fetch or retrieve machines information?
such as user login and logoff information from the machine using bigfix analysis.
For audit purpose.
Appreciate your response.
You can first enable the level of auditing that you require on the OS, then you can use the event log inspectors to gather stats in an analysis about the events that are triggered at logon/logoff.
Also set your event log size big enough to retain the number of days of events that you need to keep from an audit perspective.
Hello SysAdmin3,
You may try the following relevance:
(name of it, last logon of it as string | "No Login Data" ) of users
I tried with
(names of it, Last Logons of it) of users but only one entry found. not historical data.