Local drives vs SAN drives

Hello friends,

We want to Identify if HDD\Volumes are local or SAN attached
Possible solution
(Bus Number) SCSI Id 0 identifies disk as local
(Bus Number) SCSI Id 1 or higher identifies disk as SAN

Please provide your inputs Do we need to Install any OEM tools for this ???

Any relevance script will be useful…


What OS is the client that you want this information on?

If this is a windows system, this info is probably in WMI, but there are some native inspectors that will help as well.


@jgstew Thaks james . I am still trying to figure out the SAN attached storage drives. I can figure out the drive letters and space of each VM. Will let you know as I progress.


I wasn’t providing those links due to their finding space and drive letters, it was because it contains this:

type of it = "DRIVE_FIXED"

Look at the results of:

types of drives

See if this provides any insight.

Also look at:

selects "* from Win32_DiskDrive" of wmi


selects "* from win32_PhysicalMedia" of wmi

Yes I am getting this info DeviceID=\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0
Thanks mate .