(imported topic written by iLorenz)
For debugging purposes, we had to analyze the local sqlite db of the bigfix client.
Lots of interesting stuff, which helped us a lot, but also some infos which I found hard to decode.
Can someone please give us an hand?
The db is ActionHistory.db, table ACTION_STATE_HISTORY
Here’s an example:
ActionID: 276770 - Self Explanatory
TotalActiveCount: 1 - ?
ActiveCount: 1 - ?
ChangeTime: 1402472346 - Last time the row was updated?
Line: 31 - Total lines of ActionScript
State: 276770::pending=0:id=276770:pt=1402468769:ct=1402468773:constrained=0:fac=1:ac=1:al=31:ast=1402468772:lal=31:lat=1402468773:lct=1402468773:wfd=0:act=0:s=Executed:pr=0:pl=0:notexpired=True:relevant=False:
Ok, the State colum needs to be further expanded:
276770: : Action ID
pending=0: - If 1 is the action yet to be executed?
id=276770: - ID …again ? why?
pt=1402468769: - Start Time?
ct=1402468773: - End Time?
constrained=0: - constrained by time/other if 1
fac=1: - ?
ac=1: -?
al=31: - ?
ast=1402468772: - Action Start Time
lal=31: - ?
lat=1402468773: - Last Action …Time?? What should this mean?
lct=1402468773: Last Change Time?? Same as above
wfd=0: - ?
act=0: - ?
s=Executed: - Status: Executed should mean the row won’t be updated anymore since the action has already run?
pr=0: ?
pl=0: ?
notexpired=True: self-explanatory
relevant=False: self-explanatory
Can please someone help shed some light on the decoding?