List of fixlets from a site, NOT in a baseline

(imported topic written by TommyG91)

I have scoured the forums but can’t find code for this. From the presentation debugger, I’m trying to pull a list of fixlets from a particular site (Windows patches(English)), that are NOT included in any baselines that contain “os patch” in the title

This shows fixlets that are in at least one baseline:

names of source fixlets of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it = true)

But I can’t change the = true to != true, or = false… those don’t work :frowning:

Also have this that pulls all fixlets in a CUSTOM site:

ordered list of unique values of names of components of component groups of fixlets of all bes sites whose( custom site flag of it AND name of it = “MGTI-Windows”)

But I don’t know how to pull from a built in site.

Any help would be appreciated!



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Try something like this:

members of (set of names of fixlets of bes site whose (name of it = “”) - set of names of source fixlets of components of component groups of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it = true AND name of it contains “os patch”))
