List of all mime fields in a fixlet

I am checking following relevance query in presentation debugger for BES Support site.

(mime field of it) of bes fixlet whose (name of it = "BES Clients using Main BES Server instead of BES Relay - Manual Selection (Primary BES Relay Not Set)")

But it gives me the error “Error: The operator “string” is not defined.”. I can view a particular mime field, but not all.
The docs mention that this should work and give all mime fields

mime field of <bes fixlet>

Can someone guide me as to what I am doing wrong?

you need to request the properties of the mime field type and there are multiple mime fields so you need to use the plural mime fields

(value of it, name of it) of mime fields of bes fixlet whose (name of it = "BES Clients using Main BES Server instead of BES Relay - Manual Selection (Primary BES Relay Not Set)")
( Mon, 12 Apr 2004 23:42:34 +0000 ), x-fixlet-first-propagation
BES Warn Important, x-fixlet-domain_attributes

The error is saying that the mime field does not have a default return value that is a string - more about that in this post:

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Thanks. That was something simple i missed.