List daily new installed agent

(imported topic written by bearandy)

We want to report daily new installed agent.

How should I do it?

Thanks for help.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I can think of a few different ways to do this, depending on how you want to report on the results.

There is a special object in Web Reports “All Computer Counts” that takes a snap shot of the total number of computers once a day.

The Session Relevance statement is:

(time of it, count of it) of all computer counts

For a better formatted statement with sorting, you can use the following:

unique values of ((year of it as string & “/” & month of it as two digits & “/” & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of time of it & " - " & count of it as string) of all computer counts

These statements will list the total number of computers per day, but looks like you just wanted to know the latest number of computers added…

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

To get the difference of the last 2 entries, which should give us the total number of new computers added, you can try this statement:

count of all computer counts whose (time of it = (maximum of times of all computer counts)) - count of all computer counts whose (date (local time zone) of time of it = date (local time zone) of ((it - 1*day) of maximum of times of all computer counts) )

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Another way to do this would be to ask the TEM Agents themselves when they where installed.

This Client Relevance will report if the Agent has been installed in the last 24 hours. We can a True/False response that we can report on.

These relevance statements are intended to be used as Managed Properties.

To test these, make sure to use the Fixlet Debugger and turn on option, Menu–>Debug–>Evaluate Using–>Local Client Evaluator

now - subscribe time of current site < 24*hour

If you want the info day by day rather than the last 24 hours,

date (local time zone) of (subscribe time of current site) = current date

Agent installed yesterday,

date (local time zone) of (subscribe time of current site) = current date - 1*day

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Thanks so much for answer!

unique values of ((year of it as string & “/” & month of it as two digits & “/” & day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of time of it & " - " & count of it as string) of all computer counts

It show like this

2011/11/09 - 0

2011/11/10 - 1

2011/11/11 - 2

2011/11/12 - 12

2011/11/13 - 13

2011/11/14 - 13

2011/11/15 - 15

2011/11/16 - 238

2011/11/17 - 251

2011/11/18 - 252

2011/11/19 - 319

However I can’t figure out list the number of added agents in that day like

2011/11/09 - 0

2011/11/10 - 1

2011/11/11 - 1

2011/11/12 - 10

2011/11/13 - 1

2011/11/14 - 0

2011/11/15 - 2

2011/11/16 - 223

2011/11/17 - 13

2011/11/18 - 1

2011/11/19 - 67

Just to list number of added agents each day not total.

How should I modify the relevance?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Given the way the data is stored in TEM, I can’t think of a way to do this in relevance.

You will have to extract the data and do the processing yourself, such as in Excel, or a scripting environment like JavaScript.

I will do it for you for a cup of coffee…

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)

Might want to take a look at that thread.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Attached is a custom report in Web Reports, and in the format that you need.

Note that it will only show days where there are changes to the computer count.

If you want to see every day, even if 0, just comment out line 99 “if (newCountV != 0)”.

You owe me a cup of coffee when I am in Taipei the next time.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Thanks so much! You awesome.

And when you are in Taipei next time, let us know~

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Another question:

Could I list this computers?

I just want to add “names of bes computer” in the session relevance.

But it seems not the same method with all computer counts.

Is it possible also to list the new installed computer name?

Thanks for help.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

The “all computer counts” inspector only records the total number endpoints every 24 hours. It does not have information about the new computers.

You need to go back to the earlier posts about getting the information from the endpoints themselves by finding out where the Agent was installed.

Lee Wei