List Computers of an Action Targeted by Relevance

Hi query experts,
I am attempting to gather Computer information from Actions that have been targeted with custom relevance. Unfortunately it is not plug and play between the Client relevance and Session relevances.

For example, with given client relevance:
(exists values whose (it as lowercase = “Value1b”) of settings “Setting1” of client)

This session query can be used:
(ids of computers of it) of results whose (exists value of it AND exists computer of it AND set of (“value1b”) contains value of it as string as lowercase) of bes properties “Setting1”

With simple examples the translation to a session query is fairly trivial; however, things get much more complex when things like this are introduced:
(exists values whose (it as lowercase = “value1b”) of settings “Setting1” of client) and ((exists (substrings separated by “,” of (values of settings “Setting2” of client)) whose (it as lowercase = “val2a”)) or (exists (substrings separated by “,” of (values of settings “Setting2” of client)) whose (it as lowercase = “vale2a”)))

I have looked through the reference and cannot seem to find a way to get targeted machines from relevance.
Is it possible?
If not, is it on a road map?

I see a similar question (which looks to have been imported) was asked and went unanswered here: Names of computers based on targeting relevance

Any help is appreacited!
Thank you,

There is not an easy way to determine the targeted computers (and in fact not even the Console can provide that), but there is a way to retrieve the reported computers (which is what the Console displays).

In effect, there aren’t any targeted computers, only a set of targeted conditions, and those conditions can change over time; that’s what dynamic targeting is intended to do. So you can report the conditions, and you can report the computers that have posted results for the action, but in effect there is no list of targeted computers that you can retrieve.

To pull the computers that have reported on the action, you could do a Session Relevance query like

q: names of computers of results of bes actions whose (id of it = 5054)
A: ubuDesk1
A: cent-1.domain.home
A: WIN2016-1581-58
A: WIN2016-1581-58
A: WIN2016-1581-58
A: WIN2016-1581-58
A: WIN2016-1581-58
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Got it, that is what I feared, it is unfortunate that we must wait for the machine to report, and that the last reported condition/state cannot be used to set a state of pending or something to that effect.

The client relevance…has to be evaluated at the client.

You could, if you wish, set up an Analysis with the same relevance to see which computers report True or False, but unless you have that set up ahead of time those results won’t come in any faster than the Action results. It might be useful to do that as a preview, if you plan to reuse the same CustomRelevance on multiple or repeating actions.

You could also do the same with the Query app in WebUI.

Thank you for the quick replies Jason, much appreciated.