Limited access question

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I would like to give our Operations staff the ability to run fixlets, tasks and baselines from a custom site. I understand how to do that and give them READ access to take Action on fixlets, tasks and baselines, but how can I lock down some of the other areas so they don’t do things I don’t want them to have access.

For example, giving them access to a list of computers by automatic computer group, they could still right-click and change settings for the computers, change relay settings etc.

In short what else can I lock down to READ only access, yet still allow them to take action on fixlets, tasks and baselines

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey jrblast,

There is not a separate permission for changing settings… You have the following permissions to play with:

  • Which computers they see
  • Which Fixlet sites (or Custom sites or Fixlets) they can see
  • Whether or not they can create “custom content”
  • Whether or not they can see unmanaged assets
  • and I think there are a few other minor permissions that I missed…
