License Question for BES

(imported topic written by DennisA91)

As of BES 7, there is now a 1 day grace period after license expiration. If the expiring action site masthead on a given BES Client is not replaced with an action site masthead incorporating a license renewal/extension prior to the end of the one day grace period, what are the options for replacing that masthead on the Client machine?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Dennis,

You can always update the client licenses whether the agent is expired or not using the same process. Or to say it differently: the agent will always accept updated licenses regardlesss of its expiration state.

Did that answer your question?


(imported comment written by DennisA91)

Thanks for the clarification, Ben.

(imported comment written by SammyPotter91)

Ben Kus

Hi Dennis,

You can always update the client licenses whether the agent is expired or not using the same process. Or to say it differently: the agent will always accept updated licenses regardlesss of its expiration state.

Did that answer your question?

How d you find the licence in the computer?