Launching Windows App with a task (ex.: Microsoft Store)

Hello everyone!

Just need a quick tip, already searched with no luck.
It’s there any way to create a task/fixlet to launch a Windows App? For example Microsoft Store?
I know that from “run” I can launch it with ms-windows-store: but can’t figure out how to do it via BigFix.

Best Regards,
Diogo Sousa

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Hi Diogo,

Whenever I need BigFix to do something and command prompt (or PowerShell) is the only solution, I just use waithidden to call the command.

waithidden CMD /C start ms-windows-store: <- Don’t forget the colon

I also sometimes write PowerShell scripts and have BigFix call them. The quotes get weird, but it works too:

waithidden CMD /S /C "{pathname of system x64 folder & “\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Powershell.exe”} -File “__Download\MyPowerhshellFileName.ps1”

Hope that helps.


You will also need to override the wait to run in the user context…


This worked like a charm! :slight_smile: Thanks!

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