Last User to Send a job to server

(imported topic written by FITZPAW91)


I am trying to write a relevance to show who was the last person to send a job (fixlet, task, or something else) from the BigFix server and put it in the Client Dashboard.

Also it would be nice to have other information about this, including name of job, and time sent, and time suceeded.

Any help would be appreciated.



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey William,

You only want to show actions that have applied to this computer, correct?

Have you looked at the client dashboard history tab? It has an option to show all the actions that have applied… I thought we had this documented somewhere publicly, but I can’t find it at the moment so I will paste it here for now:

BES ClientUI History Options

Potential history modes:

“None”: The history option is not enabled, and no action history will be displayed.

“UI”: The history option is enabled, but the user will only be able to see actions that displayed UI.

“NonTrivial”: The history option is enabled, but the user will not be able to see some actions that are marked as “trivial” (this includes subscription and settings actions).

“All”: The history option is enabled, and will display every action that runs on the machine.


Default = “UI”.

This is the history mode displayed to a normal user of the UI. If this and the “Technician” mode are both set to “none”, the Client will not record history information.


Default = “All”.

This is the history mode displayed to a “Technician” user of the UI. If this and the “User” mode are both set to “none”, the Client will not record history information.


Default = 30

This setting controls the maximum amount of history information the client will send to the UI, if history is enabled.


Default = 30

This setting controls the maximum amount of history information the client will send to the UI when the UI is operating in “Technician” mode, if history is enabled.


(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Hi Ben,

Thanks for that info, but I don’t have a history tab in my client dashboard. When I created it, all i have are Dashboard, Offers, Progress, and i have nowhere that I can change any options.



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi William,

This would be expected if you haven’t taken any offers from the computer because the default is “UI” for the normal mode…

Set “_BESClient_ActionManager_HistoryModeUser” = “NonTrivial” as a client settingand you will see all the actions (I think you need to restart the agent for this to take effect).


(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Hi Ben

Thanks for the information, but I am missing something in all this. Where do you change this setting. Is it in a file, in the console, in the Client Dashboard, in the registry. I can’t find it in any of these locations.



(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Found it,

For all other users looking for it, Right Click on the computer in Console, and choose Edit Computer Settings. They might need to be added (mine were not there by default)



(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

I have tried twice to Add these options, and both times, my server responds “Not Reported” and doesn’t go any farther. Is there something else that needs to be done?

I see that the above options are not listed on the BigFix page, and i am wondering if they are applicable



(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey William,

Strange… the agents treat client settings like any action… You might check here:

There shouldn’t be any issues of applicability (the agent should set the setting regardless).


(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Works, thanks for the help
