Last report time not updating properly

Hi All,

WE have recently implemented endpoint manager application in our company and I’m new to this applications. We are facing many issue in this application (I may not call this as issue, may be endpoint manager not properly configured) here out of all problems I need help to resolve below problem…

Most of the endpoints in endpoint manager is showing last update time 2 to 3 month back. I am not sure whether I need check any setting in client end or in endpoint manager application to resolve this issue.

There are some basic things to consider when it comes to system that aren’t reporting. The first being is there is way to know, outside of IEM, the systems that haven’t reported are still being used? If most of the endpoints that aren’t reporting are expected to report then I would check to make sure network traffic is not being blocked between relays/core and clients. IEM uses TCP/UDP 52311 for communication so I would start there and work your way towards clients.

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we have around 1600 endpoints reported in endpoint manager. approximately 100 endpoints last report time is 2 months older.

Are you able to manage any of those clients through other means? Ping, RDP, telnet, etc?

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I would recommend looking at the client logs on some of these systems and see if there are any indicators there.

It could be that the network traffic is blocked, or it could be that they just are not being used and have been offline for that long as @jmaple suggests.

Look at this for more info about the client logs:

The client logs can be overwhelming when you are not used to looking at them.

Yes I can do Ping, RDP, and I can telnet endpoint manager server from client.

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sure, I’ll go through client logs and get back to you.

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If you can log into them, give the client logs a look. That will be the best indicator of the issue.

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i have started to observe something similar on VMs and wanted your input. Some users are using VMs with NAT on workstations. We are pushing the appropriate SeekList and i see these clients connecting to the right relay. So i completely understand that the client will not receive UDP Pings. But i am not able to understand why its not reporting periodically. See below:

The last reported time is not showing accurate info.

For example at 10 AM:
The last report time was 8:28 AM and in the logs i see the following:
At 08:44:33 -0700 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘BES Inventory and License’ (version 179) - '
At 08:58:55 -0700 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘Updates for Windows Applications’ (version 1009) - '
At 09:13:11 -0700 -
Successful Synchronization with site ‘opsite5’ (version 53012) - ‘http://x.x.x.x:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/opsite5

Then finally:
At 10:26:52 -0700 -
Report posted successfully
At 10:28:54 -0700 -
Report posted successfully

And i saw the device now showed active with an updated last report time as 10:28.

This is happening at random periods. Anyone faced something similar? Thanks.

Just to add to this - if UDP ping is not received, then wont this kick in by default:

My assumption is that every 15 mins the device will keep checking with its parent relay . Once it does that - every 15 mins the last reported time should be updated.

Currently the device doesn’t have this setting explicitly - so i am assuming that 900 seconds automatically kicks in implicitly.

That is merely the interval, you have to activate command polling as well for the default value to be used

Great! I have added that to my test devices. Will update.
However, do we know what exactly updates the last reported time? For example in the logs that i sent - it clearly shows that the client was successfully synchronizing but the last reported was not getting updated.

Difference between Send Refresh and Heartbeat

Refer to @strawgate’s post