Labs Spotlight: Baseline Synchronization Dashboard

(imported topic written by Zakkus)

Hey Guys,

After a bit of a hiatus, we’ve pushed out a new release of BigFix Labs, along with our new Baseline Synchronization Dashboard (

This release should also have a few more goodies and bugfixes (


(imported comment written by Zakkus)

Opps, you can view the new dashboard blog post here:

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Thank You!!!

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


cool dashboard…

I tried it, but all my baselines are out of sync.

I sync one with “Sync with Source” but the state not changed. If I edit this baseline, the button “Sync all components” not clickable. This means the baseline is up to date.

Where is the problem in the dashboard??

What means in the Open Action Count 0(0) or 1(0) or the red exclamation mark???

Please help me.

Thanks Andi

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Andi,

The first number in the Open Action Count (out-of-sync) column displays the number of open actions with baselines. The number in parentheses shows the number of our-of-sync open actions with baselines. The exclamation mark is a warning message tells you that you have some actions taken with that baseline is out-of-sync. If you click on that number, it pop up the open actions list and you can see which actions are out-of-sync from there.

To help you with the first question I may need more information to find out where the problem is. When you first saw all baselines are out-of-sync, did you try to look into the baselines to see if there are actually some components with a message saying “source fixlet differs” in red? After you click Sync with Source button the icon in Sync Status column did not change, is that right? Have you tried refreshing the dashboard?



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


thanks for answer.

Yes, now I edit my test baseline and sync all components but the symbol in the dashboard don’t change.

Yes I closed the Console, cleard the cache and refeshed the dashboard…??

Thanks Andi

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

It’s a little hard for me to tell where the problem is from your description since I haven’t run into this situation. I am very sorry about that. What would help is if you can run some relevance queries on your baselines and export the baseline. I attached a text file here which includes directions on how to use presentation debugger, which relevance queries you want to run and how to export baselines and fixlets. If you can follow the instruction to do some testing and send me back the results, I may find out more from that and will probably figure out what the problem is. It’s be very much appreciated.

You can reach me at

. I’ll be more than happy to help you with any question or problem you have on this dashboard.



(imported comment written by shedd44)


I have same problem, in Baseline Synchronization Dashboard show some basaline as out-of-sync, but in details in this baseline I cannot see any out-of-sync componets.


Roman Sobota

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

One thing you can do is to click on the “problem baseline” from Baseline Synchronization Dashboard and press Ctrl+Shift+D. Make sure the “Track function calls in Diagnostic Panel” is checked. Click on the “View Dashboard Log” button, and send me back the content in the Debug Log window that pops up.


(imported comment written by shedd44)

Hi Miki,

see debug.txt



(imported comment written by shedd44)

screen shot