KB4498206 Failure on 2012 Servers

Anyone else having trouble with KB4498206 on 2012 Servers?

It would seem that they are prefetching windows8-rt-kb4498206-x64_5297a5f92150920aca1928ac8f4d47753c96b722.msu and then they try to run ie11-windows6.2-kb4498206-x64_1c9ab78d839b8c3cee41b14a11333b58b465a037.msu

Seems like a problem to me.

wusa.exe will post a rc=2 (file not found error)

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Thanks for reporting this. The team has corrected this and released an updated fixlet for KB4498206 on Windows Server 2012.
Should see it in Patches for Windows version 3286.