
(imported topic written by var91)

hi @all,

I want to Install jre-6u24-windows-i586.exe on my Win7 64-bit Client.

With the FixletDebugger the Installation is working, but when I distribute the fixlet aubout the server the Installation is complete but Java isn’t installed.

The posting http://forum.bigfix.com/viewtopic.php?id=6752 is also not working.

Where is my problem? Have anybody an idea??

Thanks for help

download http://atbigfixsr01:52311/Uploads/a99c2773fb9d2ab5b04927148765695e53a2ee2b/jre-6u24-windows-i586exe.tmp

continue if {(size of it = 14697984 AND sha1 of it = “a99c2773fb9d2ab5b04927148765695e53a2ee2b”) of file “jre-6u24-windows-i586exe.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract jre-6u24-windows-i586exe.tmp

waithidden __Download\jre-6u24-windows-i586.exe /s ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress JAVAUPDATE=0 /L C:\jre6u24_install.log

(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)

How are you testing it?

Do you see the registry key?

“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_24”

If you do, what does the value “JavaHome” have?

No? how about the registry key?

“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_24”

If you do, what does the value “JavaHome” have?


(imported comment written by JackCoates91)


JRE is tricky if there was already a Java installed, you might want to watch this thread for progress: http://forum.bigfix.com/viewtopic.php?pid=29104#29104

(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)

I don’t think it’s that tricky. You just need to make sure you close an application before you try and upgrade it.

There is what I use for the JRE install

// Kill the Java* and/or IE 

{((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it))
} waithidden cmd /c  
" | " of ((
"taskkill /F /IM " & (name of it as string)) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it))

{(((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose (it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) of it)))
} parameter 
"{now}" pause 

{((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it)) AND (now-time (parameter 
"startTime_JAVAIE") < 45*second)
} endif endif

(imported comment written by var91)


The JAVA_HOME key is not in the registry after installation

I included this in my fixlet but this is not working:

download http://atbigfixsr01:52311/Uploads/4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805/jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp

continue if {(size of it = 14808780 AND sha1 of it = “4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805”) of file “jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp

parameter “PFRO”="\JAVA"


// Kill the Java* and/or IE


if {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}

waithidden cmd /c {concatenation " | " of (("taskkill /F /IM " & (name of it as string)) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}

if {(((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose (it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) of it)))}

parameter “startTime_JAVAIE”="{now}"

pause while {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it)) AND (now-time (parameter “startTime_JAVAIE”) < 45*second)}



waithidden __Download\jre-6u24-windows-i586-s.exe /s ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORE=1 SYSTRAY=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPRESS JAVAUPDATE=0 /L C:\jre6u24_install.log


STATUS: Running action…

Command succeeded (Using download manager collected file) download http://atbigfixsr01:52311/Uploads/4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805/jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp

Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {(size of it = 14808780 AND sha1 of it = “4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805”) of file “jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

Command succeeded extract jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp

Command succeeded parameter “PFRO”="\JAVA"

Command failed (The operator “pathname” is not defined.) if {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}

  • Result —

Evaluation failed!


(imported comment written by var91)


I make a Test Fixlet with the java6U24 64bit Version this is also working with the Fixlet debugger and also if I distribute is aubout the TEM Server.

Is ist possible that there a problems if the installation is running in the SYSTEM account???


(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)

sorry, this should work

// Kill the Java* and/or IE 

{(exists ((name of it as string) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it)))
} waithidden cmd /c  
" | " of ((
"taskkill /F /IM " & (name of it as string)) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it))

{(exists ((name of it as string) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose (it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) of it)))
} parameter 
"{now}" pause 

{(exists ((name of it as string) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter 
"PFRO" of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains 
"\iexplore.exe" as lowercase)) of it))) AND (now-time (parameter 
"startTime_JAVAIE-1.6") < 45*second)
} endif endif

(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)

another thing you might want to look for is the PendingFileRenameOperations value before installing.

the key is “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager”

(imported comment written by var91)

Read this … is the problem and solution:


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

There is another thread involving installing 32-bit Java on a 64-bit OS -


. In that thread, a user has found a temporarily solution that works for him, which may or may not work for you.

The link you found does indeed match some of my own research, but it’s not the best solution to fix this problem because it involves modifying sensitive registry values. For administrators who manage a small number of computers, it can be manageable, but not necessarily the case on a larger scale. But if the solution worked for you, that’s great.

We’re trying to find a different solution that works on all computers with minimal manual registry changes. The limitation we’re running into is really due to the fact that Java 6 Update 24 is different than previous releases, so there’s lots of new problems that are appearing. Additionally, due to the way Java is packaged, it behaves differently when the 32-bit version is deployed on 64-bit OS via BES. It can be the issue described in your link because there are other sites that describe similar issues, such as

this one


(imported comment written by JackCoates91)


zevanty and crew have posted some new fixlets that may help, please gather site version 332 and keep us posted. Installing 32-bit Java on a 64-bit operating system is now supported. Additionally, Java installations have been updated to include an action that will kill any running instances of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and/or Java. New Fixlets have been added to handle cases where Java failed to install properly, marked “CORRUPT PATCH”.



(imported comment written by thall91)


This is not only impacting 64-bit clients but Windows XP 32-bit endpoints as well. We’ve deployed the JRE 6 Update 24 in our environment (XP 32-bit) and have discovered that the fixlet removed the previous JRE installation but did not install the current JRE 6 u24 version. Generating a trouble ticket with IBM now.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)



This is not only impacting 64-bit clients but Windows XP 32-bit endpoints as well. We’ve deployed the JRE 6 Update 24 in our environment (XP 32-bit) and have discovered that the fixlet removed the previous JRE installation but did not install the current JRE 6 u24 version. Generating a trouble ticket with IBM now.

We’re hearing a lot of issues with Java 6 Update 24. Did you have the latest version of the site? There should be a Fixlet with “CORRUPT PATCH” in the title, where its purpose to catch the condition where the installation was not successful. Do you see this Fixlet? Is this Fixlet relevant?