(imported comment written by var91)
The JAVA_HOME key is not in the registry after installation
I included this in my fixlet but this is not working:
download http://atbigfixsr01:52311/Uploads/4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805/jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp
continue if {(size of it = 14808780 AND sha1 of it = “4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805”) of file “jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp” of folder “__Download”}
extract jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp
parameter “PFRO”="\JAVA"
// Kill the Java* and/or IE
if {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}
waithidden cmd /c {concatenation " | " of (("taskkill /F /IM " & (name of it as string)) of (running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}
if {(((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose (it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) of it)))}
parameter “startTime_JAVAIE”="{now}"
pause while {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it)) AND (now-time (parameter “startTime_JAVAIE”) < 45*second)}
waithidden __Download\jre-6u24-windows-i586-s.exe /s ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORE=1 SYSTRAY=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPRESS JAVAUPDATE=0 /L C:\jre6u24_install.log
STATUS: Running action…
Command succeeded (Using download manager collected file) download http://atbigfixsr01:52311/Uploads/4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805/jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {(size of it = 14808780 AND sha1 of it = “4d540c2dafc30c848b619e72766ace313de55805”) of file “jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp” of folder “__Download”}
Command succeeded extract jre-6u24-windows-i586-sexe.tmp
Command succeeded parameter “PFRO”="\JAVA"
Command failed (The operator “pathname” is not defined.) if {((exists running applications) whose (exists pathname whose ((it as lowercase contains (parameter “PFRO” of action) as lowercase) OR (it as lowercase contains “\iexplore.exe” as lowercase)) of it))}
Evaluation failed!