Java Issues -Confirmed Files are Cached - Client will not download

Trying to update Java 8u341. We have verified that the .exes have been renamed and moved into the folder for manual caching. This has always worked without issue, until now. Now when we go to deploy we are getting a whitelist error (never ever has happened with Java). What can we do? As we have all the pieces in place, and this was JUST working a day or so ago…did the development team screw something up? I have added the sha1 folder to the approved whitelist.txt file, but no changes (which shouldnt be necessary, but figured worth a shot).

There is a problem with the size and hashes in one of the Java Fixlets. Our team is looking in to it.

As a temporary workaround,if you need to deploy before we republish, you’ll need to make a custom copy of the Fixlet to modify the size and hashes with the true values.

This was a template copy problem on our end, where the 32-bit hashes were applied to the 64-bit Fixlet.

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Thank you so much! I was super concerned it was something we did, as we saw the action referencing a specific download repo we only use for OS deployment, lots of head scratching and concern on our end as we have a lot of apps that still leverage Java…