Jan 2013 Out of Band Content Released

(imported topic written by liuhoting)

Content in the Patches for Windows (English) Fixlet Site has been released.

New Fixlet Messages:

Fixlet messages for Microsoft Security Bulletins:


MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 (1300801)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300802)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (1300803)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300804)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (1300805)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300806)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (1300807)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300808)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 (1300809)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300810)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (1300811)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300812)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (1300813)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300814)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (1300815)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300816)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Vista SP2 (1300817)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Vista SP2 (x64) (1300819)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (1300821)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) (1300823)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 (1300825)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300826)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (1300827)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300828)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (1300829)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (1300830)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (1300831)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (1300832)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Vista SP2 (1300833)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Vista SP2 (x64) (1300835)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (1300837)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) (1300839)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows 7 Gold/SP1 (1300841)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows 7 Gold/SP1 (x64) (1300843)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 R2 Gold/SP1 (x64) (1300845)

Reason for Update:

Microsoft has released an out of band security bulletin MS13-008.

Actions to Take:


Published site version:

Patches for Windows (English), version 1706

Additional links:

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary:


Application Engineering Team

Tivoli Endpoint Manager

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi lluhoting,

Please let me know one points.

Content in the Patches for Windows (Japanese) Fixlet Site has been released.

The number of patches is 22 pieces.

When MS13-008 in the Patches for Windows (English) Fixlet is compared with MS13-008 in the Patches forWindows (Japanese) Fixlet, the number of patches differs in no less than 13 pieces.

Do you know why the numbers of patches differ?

Or do you know with regards to the information currently released on the following page?


Fixlet messages for Microsoft Security Bulletins:

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)



(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

Hi Eiichi,

Here is a list about the Japanese site, some of patches are available but some are not.

1300801 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/F/B/0FB6C268-A0DA-4AF9-BF7B-F7FC7CB8A9A7/WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300802 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/F/B/0FB6C268-A0DA-4AF9-BF7B-F7FC7CB8A9A7/WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300803 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/5/FD5670CF-705A-47BA-8C5D-F6B46EDB2C05/WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300804 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/5/FD5670CF-705A-47BA-8C5D-F6B46EDB2C05/WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300805 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/3/4/E340FD1B-8F31-44C7-B7D2-96820E7E3B0B/WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300806 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/3/4/E340FD1B-8F31-44C7-B7D2-96820E7E3B0B/WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300807 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/2/5/525C7434-6B67-4F35-B1F6-2D7EDFA07D21/WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300808 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/2/5/525C7434-6B67-4F35-B1F6-2D7EDFA07D21/WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300809 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/3/6/33677390-7064-4E73-9D3C-6EAF43937A59/IE7-WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300810 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/3/6/33677390-7064-4E73-9D3C-6EAF43937A59/IE7-WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300811 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/F/5/3F5C21D9-FE29-4CA1-9792-03540C213BBC/IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300812 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/F/5/3F5C21D9-FE29-4CA1-9792-03540C213BBC/IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300813 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/C/B/3CB02BC1-99B0-4E66-ACD3-16B6370F3E4D/IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300814 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/C/B/3CB02BC1-99B0-4E66-ACD3-16B6370F3E4D/IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300815 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/5/A/15A3B7A3-161E-4AA5-850A-9251E7CC083C/IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300816 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/5/A/15A3B7A3-161E-4AA5-850A-9251E7CC083C/IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

#1300817 ja patch_not_available

#1300819 ja patch_not_available

#1300821 ja patch_not_available

#1300823 ja patch_not_available

1300825 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/7/C/27CC0E89-780B-4EB6-B7B4-F0CFC81C5EC1/IE8-WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300826 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/7/C/27CC0E89-780B-4EB6-B7B4-F0CFC81C5EC1/IE8-WindowsXP-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300827 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/7/3/B7347A57-5790-4D7C-B900-F82C18DD5686/IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300828 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/7/3/B7347A57-5790-4D7C-B900-F82C18DD5686/IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300829 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/2/E/92EEF2A6-6067-4033-BDC5-AC27A2DCE6FF/IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300830 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/2/E/92EEF2A6-6067-4033-BDC5-AC27A2DCE6FF/IE8-WindowsServer2003-KB2799329-x86-JPN.exe

1300831 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/2/E/E2E4CCE8-C855-4F03-B72F-91990E83DA4B/IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

1300832 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/2/E/E2E4CCE8-C855-4F03-B72F-91990E83DA4B/IE8-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2799329-x64-JPN.exe

#1300833 ja patch_not_available

#1300835 ja patch_not_available

#1300837 ja patch_not_available

#1300839 ja patch_not_available

#1300841 ja patch_not_available

#1300843 ja patch_not_available

#1300845 ja patch_not_available

Let’s check the download page for fixlet message 1300833. (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=64b498a6-54fc-4b88-bcc3-2cc15a16abb5). The Language: field is only for English. In the above list, patch_not_available means Microsoft does not provide the non english binary for Japanese OS.

But checking the download page for fixlet message 1300832. (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=b0cf6516-aea6-4879-9a6e-171d4825ae20). User can select language there to download the binary for specific OS.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi TerryWeiChao,

Thank you for teaching in detail.

I also investigated by the method which you taught.

When doing so, I could not do a language choice but was able to choose only the English-language edition.

Until now, was there such any thing?

And I cannot make a baseline to my company distribution, and am troubled by it.

Are you checking with Microsoft by a certain method?

Since I consider the problem of Microsoft, I also check with Microsoft by a certain method.

Since it seems that there is same problem in other countries, if I acquire new information, I will write in this Forum.

You also wish to write in, if information is acquired.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi all,

I found the following new information.



(you need that this page browse Japanese version and more than IE6.)

*KB public information


*download link


As for this, Microsoft is MS13-008. It means offering the Japanese version package.

Application Engineering Team of Tivoli Endpoint Manager are making selection which does not create and exhibit Fixlet,

in spite of offering the package of a Japanese version or other languages.

Please let me know why such a thing is done.

However, the package is not an exe file format but a msu file format.

Bug, It seems also by Fixlet that realization is possible.

C:\Windows\System32\WUSA.EXE windows6.1-kb2799329-x64_74c38a33aa531cf1649688af0ad8bf05be80352f.msu /quiet /norestart



(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

Hi Eiichi,

Thanks for all the information you have provided. The following fixlets will be available for non English sites very soon.

1300817 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/F/8/9F8AA5C9-CA71-4C9A-B1B3-D904B79EDC54/Windows6.0-KB2799329-x86.msu

1300819 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/3/D/C3DBD7D9-8C01-4296-B105-A37982A4CB2A/Windows6.0-KB2799329-x64.msu

1300821 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/0/0/800489F6-B9E3-4961-9D57-E2E1518C7BF1/Windows6.0-KB2799329-x86.msu

1300823 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/9/599FA919-82D2-44CE-9F36-A1F4D13F88C3/Windows6.0-KB2799329-x64.msu

1300833 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/7/1/171A9200-EA7D-42AE-885F-A5B9EF13D13D/IE8-Windows6.0-KB2799329-x86.msu

1300835 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/4/9/14986586-379A-4FA6-BFA6-5F7FFBE6BAD2/IE8-Windows6.0-KB2799329-x64.msu

1300837 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/A/E/3AEB3CA3-F1EE-44B1-957D-062588346B75/IE8-Windows6.0-KB2799329-x86.msu

1300839 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/1/B/D1BED9EC-9264-44CC-9B69-AF3D2CDF05F1/IE8-Windows6.0-KB2799329-x64.msu

1300841 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/0/2/1022DFE6-5BEF-45DA-A7D1-148406B32940/Windows6.1-KB2799329-x86.msu

1300843 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/4/C/24C61438-4B94-4F4E-AB24-95312CD04983/Windows6.1-KB2799329-x64.msu

1300845 ja http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/0/C/E0C25E91-F4DE-4759-8D1D-FB0247A06D8A/Windows6.1-KB2799329-x64.msu

Regarding your concern, I think I can tell more. When users install the patch, normally they will choose the needed language in the Microsoft download center page. So this is a strong reference when we provide the content and normally it is very accurate. But sometimes there are some small changes in Microsoft web page, we will gather enough information and modify the content accordingly.

One more thing is that there is known issue for the patch, you may find more information from below link:


We have added more checking in the action script to address the issue.

Let me know if there is anything we could help.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thanks, Terry.

If I find some problems, I will tell you.

I cheked 35 Fixlets and action scripts of Fixlet “//MS12-077 needs to be installed. See MS13-008’s FAQ.”


1300806 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300805 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

1300808 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300807 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300804 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300803 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300802 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300801 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 6 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)

1300814 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300813 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

1300816 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300815 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300821 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (Japanese)

1300823 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300817 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Vista SP2 (Japanese)

1300819 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows Vista SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300812 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300811 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300810 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300809 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 7 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)

1300841 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows 7 Gold/SP1 (Japanese)

1300843 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows 7 Gold/SP1 (x64) (Japanese)

1300830 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300829 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (Japanese)

1300832 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300831 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300845 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 R2 Gold/SP1 (x64) (Japanese)

1300837 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (Japanese)

1300839 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Server 2008 SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300833 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Vista SP2 (Japanese)

1300835 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows Vista SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300828 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300827 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP2 (x64) (Japanese)

1300826 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 - CORRUPT PATCH (Japanese)

1300825 MS13-008: Security Update for Internet Explorer - IE 8 - Windows XP SP3 (Japanese)