Issues with Installing Altova XMLSpy

Hello everyone,
We’ve been trying to deploy XMLSpy using the Windows Software Distribution Wizard; unfortunately while the action is marked as completed the program is not installed and is still running the installation .exe in the background.

Since i’m rather new to action scripting for bigfix I tried to deal with this by referencing the examples using this document. But it either fails or continues to have the same issues of saying it’s completed but is still running in the background.

I’m not sure how to move forward from this and any advice would be appreciated. Let me know if you need anymore information!


Disregard this issue. I was able to solve it by adding a silent switch to the wait command as seen here:

wait __Download\XMLSpyProf2018_x64.exe /q

It was able to install with no issues.

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Glad you found the solution!

This is very common, generally any application that is installed using an EXE will require some sort of silent install switch, but it can be slightly different from app to app. It is actually possible to tell what kind of EXE installer the app is using, and the same EXE installers have the same basic silent install switches, though that is not always enough for every app using that EXE installer.