that is loaded into all dashboards by the console has issues with IE11 engine when enabled, but not the IE9 engine. I’m not sure what the exact issue is, but ideally it would be solved to allow it to work with IE11.
Despite the fact that IE11 is installed, the BigFix console uses IE7 compatibility view for all Wizards and Dashboards by default. This seems to be the case to keep old and outdated dashboards working that would otherwise need revamped to work with newer IE versions.
Creating new dashboards today in IE7 compatibility view is quite painful as it isn’t standards compliant and you can’t just look up how to do something, you have to look up how to do it in IE7 for any edge cases you encounter. It also means that you are limited on which JavaScript libraries you use within the Dashboard. IE7 is limited to JQuery 1.12.4
which isn’t exactly state of the art given that the current version is JQuery 3.1.1
It is possible to get JQuery 3.1.1
to work within a Dashboard by enabling IE10 mode, using the following: <Head><![CDATA[<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10">]]></Head>
. This works by switching IE11 from IE7 mode into IE10 mode and JQuery 3.1.1
supports IE9 or later.
This doesn’t solve the problem if a javascript library requires IE11. Adding this should work: <Head><![CDATA[<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=11">]]></Head>
, which does update the documentmode
but it causes wizard.js
to throw an error:
The other reason that I’d REALLY like to use IE11 standards mode for writing Dashboards is that it should work approximately the same as Chrome or Firefox. This means JavaScript/HTML should work approximately the same within a Dashboard as it does in any browser, including in WebReports custom reports, and the WebUI. Without IE11 standards mode, that will not be the case and there will always be edge cases that have to be accounted for, much more so than there would otherwise be. CC: @dexdexdex
Another thing that really caused me a lot of trouble while trying to figure this out is that no matter what I did to change the IE mode, the user agent never seemed to change from that of IE7, even though I’m fairly certain it should have.
Source: bigfix-content/dashboards/JavascriptDebugging.ojo at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub
All of my public dashboards: bigfix-content/dashboards at main · jgstew/bigfix-content · GitHub