Issues deploying AIX technology levels

Hi all,

I have been working through patching for aix and I am currently stuck with the message “FATAL ERROR: Fixget query returned with unexpected results” in the plugin log file.

The action is reporting "Download error: “The download plugin exited unexpectedly” but does not define the URL it is trying to get (which I think is normal for the plugins).

I have verified that the proxy is working and not blocking, that the user account has rights to the IBM site to download and also added the and to the IE trusted sites.

Any other ideas?

I do have a PMR open also, but wanted to see if anyone else saw this.



@TheTick, have you registered and configured the AIX download plug-in under the Patching Support site?

@cmcannady, thanks for the suggestion. It was all done (multiple times).

I did figure out the issue though. Turns out the AIX admin put the wrong password into the plugin. I had done this with him a couple times and he did it wrong both times. I saw him log on to the IBM site and he was able to get there, so not sure what he did. I put in my IBM id and pass and it started to work.

Having other issues now with the patching, but will probably open a new thread.

