Issuer of Action results


I’m trying to get the name of the issuer for the following query but noticed there is no issuer inspector property for action results:

("Computer Name: " & name of computer of it, "Action: " & name of action of it , "Issued: " & start time of it as string, "Status: " & detailed status of it) of action results whose (start time of it > now - 10 * day) of bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “ComputerName”)

Is there a way to get this using the action inspector ?


What about

issuer of <bes action> : bes user
Returns the BES user object corresponding to the issuer of the specified action.
Plural: issuers

You will need to query the action of the action result action of <bes action result> : bes action

Thanks. Here’s my dilemma, I can get all the properties that I want when I query the bes action except for a specified computer and I can get all the properties of bes action result except for a specific computer using the code I posted in this thread, What am I missing here? Is I possible to fit the bes action in the code that I posted to query the name of issuer of it?


That’s because the action is issued (and therefore has an issuer) not the result(s) of the action

		"Computer Name: " & name of computer of it , "Action: " & name of action of it , "Issued: " & start time of it as string , "Status: " & detailed status of it , "Issuer: " & name of issuer of action of it
	of action results 
		start time of it > now - 10 * day 
	of bes computers 
		name of it as lowercase starts with "blah"
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Thanks Trevor that worked! Where did you get “name of issuer of action of it” from? I did not see that on the action inspector page?

You have to walk up the tree - the action result has an action property, the action object in its turn has an issuer, which is a bes user object and that has a name property.

You then need to read/construct it from right to left.

Thanks again. This is the property you were referring to correct?

issuer of : bes user

I understand what you are saying better but I’m not sure why the correct syntax would be

name of issuer of action of it

and not:

name of issuer of bes action of it

It is because the object you start with is a bes computer. From then on you derive successive objects as properties of the current object.

The computer object has an “action results” property, which is of type “bes action result”.

Although the name of the property is related to the name of the type this isn’t always the case - for instance, an action object has an “issuer” property which is of type “bes user” which then has a property “name” of type “string”

Thanks for the explanation.