Issue in upgrading to 9.5.0

I tried to upgrade IEM from to and I have the following error

From the command: bash -upgrade

Rpm Package Name: BESAgent-
Folder /var/opt/BESInstallers/Console successful populated …
Folder /var/opt/BESInstallers/Client successful populated …
Info: The configuration file ‘/opt/BESServer/bin/’ was created successfully.
Info: The configuration file ‘/opt/BESServer/bin/BESAdmin.sh_bkp’ was created successfully.
Info: The configuration file ‘/opt/BESServer/bin/’ was created successfully.
Info: The configuration file ‘/opt/BESServer/bin/Airgap.sh_bkp’ was created successfully.
Found section: [SoftwareBigFixEnterpriseClientSettingsClient_BESRelay_HTTPServer_LogFilePath] in '/var/opt/BESServer/besserver.config’
Found key: value = /var/log/BESRelay.log
Info: Configuring the database for the server component, please wait …
/opt/BESServer/bin/ -upgrade -sitePvkLocation:"/home/epmgr/IEM-License/license.pvk" -sitePvkPassword:"********"
Force still running BES applications
Upgrade database to version Enterprise 8.01
Upgrade database to version Enterprise 8.02
Upgrade database to version Enterprise 8.04
SQL0104N An unexpected token “!” was found following “”.
Expected tokens may include: “NEW”. SQLSTATE=42601
SQL0104N An unexpected token “!” was found following “”.
Expected tokens may include: “NEW”. SQLSTATE=42601
Some error occured on the selectProcess process for QUESTIONRESULTS
Error: An error occurred while configuring the database for the server component.

Please help.


Hi Dan,

Please open a PMR/Service Request for assistance with this issue:

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I would generally recommend that if you are going to upgrade to 9.5.x that you should upgrade to whatever the newest version of 9.5.x that is available at the time, which should have been

This goes for any version upgrade of BigFix, upgrade to the newest patch level of that Major.Minor version you are upgrading to.

Hi Dan,

As the upgrade to 9.5…x is a manual process, you would have entered your license.pvk file password to begin updation. I guess your password contains ‘!’ or some other special character.
I suggest you change your password to not have any special character and then try upgrade again.

For your current situation you might have to re-install BigFix again.

  • Bhuvan

Hi Bhuvan,
Yes - my password does have an “!” indeed.
I will try to change the password


Thanks Aram,
I will do that if I can’t quickly fix it.


Thanks Jgstew. I did try to upgrade to 9.5.2 first but I have the same issue then I back out and try lower version to see any differences.


Just fyi this issue with password containing special chars like ‘!’ or ‘&’ is tracked with APAR IV84968 ->