Is there a way to enter a list of patches into the console

Im looking for a way to paste a list of MS patch numbers into a wizard and get back the patches so they could be added to a baseline, or skip the list and just enter a list of patch numbers and create a baseline

is this possible ?

Example list

Yes, I already have something that does this. You create a session relevance query to return the set of patches that you want to include in a baseline, and it will create the baseline for you. By default it is set to include all patches that have at least 1 computer relevant.

See these:

I get a a script error after I enter my password, I tried both local and domain authentication, Tomorrow Iā€™ll make sure RestAPI is installed properly

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The script error has nothing to do with the RESTAPI. I will have to take a look and see if I can reproduce it. Sometimes this is due to BigFixMe making changes to the file when you download it.

Hereā€™s the error iā€™m getting

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Do you get the same error with the ā€œGenerate Client Updates Baselineā€?

Yes, Same behavior on both actions

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This is likely related to BigFix.Me messing with the code when I upload it. I may need to post it to GitHub or something to get around this issue.

The real valuable bits are in the XML, just a pain that you canā€™t use them right away.

can you zip them up and re-upload them

Iā€™ll probably post them on GitHub at some point.

try to import them again into the console and see if they work.