Is there a issue with MS07-055?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

In particular, fixlet ID 705505. It was relevant on a test windows 2003 server that we have and after the fixlet ran, I saw a pending restart message for it in the console. I restarted the server a couple of time and it shows up as fixed in the sub-action of the baseline, but noticed the following.

  • Relevance 6 for the fixlet still evaluates as true even thought : (not exists key “hklm\software\microsoft\updates\windows server 2003\sp3\kb923810” of registry). Should this key exists after the hotfix has installed?

  • There is a log present in c:\windows after the hotfix has attempted to install: KB923810.log


1.272: ================================================================================

1.272: 2007/10/10 12:35:55.444 (local)

1.272: c:\0aeb68f111e5710408e1e4\update\update.exe (version

1.282: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /norestart

1.282: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2

1.282: C:\WINDOWS\system32\oieng400.dll is Not Present

1.282: Condition Check for Line 1 of PreRequisite returned FALSE

1.292: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

1.292: KB923810 Setup encountered an error: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB923810 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB923810.log

1.302: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

1.302: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB923810 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB923810.log

1.302: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf0f4

1.302: Update.exe return code was masked to 0x643 for MSI custom action compliance.


when running the hotfix manually with the /log switch, I get the same result and the hotfix does not install. Did BigFix actually install the hotfix and if not, why is it reporting it as fixed?

Please advise.

(imported comment written by sthull)

Hi fongrob,

We have discovered a problem where some 2003 systems will become relevant for this fixlet even though they don’t have Image Viewer installed. These systems appear to have a couple of the dlls that get updated by this patch, but not all of them. The hotfix actually requires some of the missing dlls to run, so it fails with the errors you provided here.

You can see whether your system matches this case by running the following relevance on it in QnA:

q: (exists file “w03a2409.dll” of it, exists file “w03a3409.dll” of it, exists file “jpeg2x32.dll” of it, exists file “tifflt.dll” of it, exists file “oieng400.dll” of it) of system folder, exists folder “Windows NT\Accessories\IMAGEVUE” of (value “ProgramFilesDir” of key “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion” of registry as folder)

You should see 6 boolean results, the first two true and the rest false.

Since the hotfix did not install it should not have reported back as fixed, unless you changed the success criteria to be when ‘all lines of the action script have completed successfully.’



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Steve,

I did not change any of the success criteria, but should the relevance be modified? If the server is relevant, but the patch does not install it will report back as failed. The question becomes, is the server actually relevant for the hotfix? And for ones that do have the image viewer installed but the hotfix fails for some other reason, we would get mixed reporting.



(imported comment written by MY6591)

Hi Fongrob,

We have modifed the content and are in the final testing. We will release the modified content today.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thank You

(imported comment written by Gstoller91)

I am receiving a similar issue when I run “MS07-055 WindowsXP-KB923810-x86-ENU.exe on a XP SP 2 system. The log says


5.688: ================================================================================

5.688: 2007/10/12 09:17:29.415 (local)

5.688: c:\016e639cdc5e7818220c\update\update.exe (version

5.688: Hotfix started with following command line:

5.828: C:\WINDOWS\system32\oieng400.dll is Not Present

5.828: Condition Check for Line 1 of PreRequisite returned FALSE

5.844: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

5.844: KB923810 Setup encountered an error: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB923810 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB923810.log

5.875: ReadStringFromInf: UpdSpGetLineText failed: 0xe0000102

5.875: Setup cannot continue because one or more prerequisites required to install KB923810 failed. For More details check the Log File c:\windows\KB923810.log

Is there a fix for this or is there one in the work