I have this relevance query
( (names of it, operating systems of it,ip addresses of it, values of results from (BES Property “DNS Current Config”) of it) of members of bes computer groups whose ( name of it = “Unix Servers All”) )
if the server has multiple ip address then xml put the result in the 2 separate tuples.
Is there any way to have the multiple ip or single ip address in 1 tuple instead of multiple tuples.
w.x.y.z and a.b.c.d IP address should be in the same Tuple instead of 2 separate tuples.
You should concatenate IP addresses to have 1 tuple for each endpoint. E.G.
( (names of it, operating systems of it, concatenation "; " of (ip addresses of it as string), values of results from (BES Property “DNS Current Config”) of it) of members of bes computer groups whose ( name of it = "Unix Servers All") )
Thansk for hte help. I did this
( (names of it, operating systems of it,(if (exists ip address of it) then (concatenation "|" of (ip addresses of it as string)) else ("")),values of results from (BES Property " DNS Current Config") of it) of members of bes computer groups whose ( name of it = "Unix Servers All")
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Has there any way to get the Linux Gateway IP address without reading the /etc/sysconfig/gateway because the gw is not always present in the same file.
The consistent result of the gateway is from the “netstat” irrespective of the OS flavor.
I am not sure if the bigfix has any inspector to read the netstat .
This one should do it:
(interface of it, metric of it, destination of it, gateway of it) of routes of ipv4 routing table
Thansk . This works like charm.
if (name of operating system contains "Linux" OR name of operating system contains "SunOS" )
then ((gateway of it as string) of routes of ipv4 routing table) whose (it ends with regex "1" AND it does not contain "" )
else "DonotWorkonAiX"