"IP Address" Property Conflict with site Virtual Endpoint manager

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

This might belong in the general forum, but we have an issue with the property “IP Address” which is duplicated when the site, Virtual Endpoint Manager, is enabled. Our main issue occurs when using the SOAP API to make a call to the “IP Address” property. We get a blank/null response when querying for a machine with a known IP address in the database that isn’t discovered by VEM. When SOAP is used with a known IP address that VEM has discovered, we get a response. The leads us to preclude that the duplicate “IP address” property is defaulting to the VEM property as opposed to the “Reserved” property. Is there a method to call out a property using a specific site, such as the Reserved site’s “IP Address”.

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Yes you can filter the property this way,

bes property whose (name of it = 
"IP Address" and reserved flag of it)

The property also has a unique id in your deployment.

If you will only use the statement in your environment, it will work fine. I recommend the first method.

Find the ID.

ids of bes properties whose (name of it = 
"IP Address")

Use the ID in the statement.

name of bes property whose (id of it = (2147497463, 19, 1) )

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Yes, this workaround has been tested and verified. Thanks!