iOS - The operation was taking too long to complete

written by IBM_Endpoint_User)

This error occurred after I enter username and password to enroll, the error appeared after 32seconds. All logs are ok.

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)

It looks like the Enrollment/iOS Extender server is having trouble communicating with the TSP. You should take a look at the diagnostics pages for both components to see where an issue may lie.


and look at the TSP section

Will also want to take a look at the TSP diagnostics


This should help you figure something out. Maybe a name changed, something is not configured right, etc.

(imported comment written by IBM_Endpoint_User)

JasonHonda, Thanks for your reply. I have checked both diagnostics, all passed.

In iosmdm.log, the process always stopped after,

[2013-09-19 21:55:02 CST] INFO [MDM] - [490478908] Password Enroll for iOS device serial=84945SNJ3NP; user=desmond (jailbroken=false; contract=3)

[2013-09-19 21:55:02 CST] DEBUG [MDM.TSPConnector::MDM] - [490478908] Submitting request to Trusted Services Provider: TEMTSP:52316/mdm/auth/ldap

[2013-09-19 21:55:02 CST] DEBUG [MDM.TSPConnector::MDM] - [490478908] Connecting to TSP at TEMTSP:52316

[2013-09-19 21:55:02 CST] DEBUG [MDM] - [490478908] PasswordEnroll response: {:response=>{:result=>“Success”, :device=>{:authenticated_id=>“CN=desmond,OU=Users,DC=stee,DC=sg”}, :config=>{:enroll_url=>“”, :security_update_url=>“”, :badge_update_url=>“”, :nitrodesk=>{:policy_url=>“”, :commands_url=>“”, :command_results_url=>“”}, :feedback_email=>"", :support_email=>"", :location=>{:sample_interval=>60}}}}

[2013-09-19 21:55:02 CST] INFO [MDM] - [490478908] Completed 200 OK in 33556ms (Views: 0.0ms)

(imported comment written by JasonHonda)

Things are looking a little weird looking at the log. Looks like maybe multiple TSP? ITOTEM and TEMTSP. Maybe some very unusual configuration is going on.

Also, can you try doing a webenroll from mobile safari instead of directly using the app. Many times that will show additional error information, besides just timing out.

(imported comment written by TimFaulk)

Depending on the number of iOS devices you have registered, your management extender will be very busy during startup, refresh cycles (which I think the default is every 6 hours – but that is tunable) or when you push out policy actions that hits all devices. And if what you are seeing is a temporary connectivity issue during one of those cycles, then that is not necessarily unusual.

But, if it stays CPU pegged continually continually at 100% CPU where BESIOSServer.exe process is consuming most of it and BESProxyAgent.exe taking the rest) then check the size of the MDM DB (example location: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\Management Extender\MDM Provider\db) and see if that is large (greater than say 1 GB). If the DB is very large, then that is going to dramatically affect the performance. They released fixes in MDM 2.3.1 (I haven’t tried 2.4 yet) that has dramatically improved that performance. If you are prior to MDM 2.3.1, then I would recommend getting updated as soon as you can feasibly test and update your Management Extenders.

  • Tim