Inventory SW Scan Failing

Software scan is failing while execution of the below relevance. Support says, we need to upgrade to a minimum of 9.5.13 to address this issue. I came across a thread while researching however did not find the solution conclusive.

The below relevance executes with no output. Need help in identifying the exact solution for this.

appendfile { concatenation “%0a” of (unique values of (name of it as string & (parameter “SEPARATOR” as string) & (if (exists image path of it) then (preceding text of last (if (name of operating system as lowercase starts with “win”) then “” else “/”) of image path of it as string) else “”) & (parameter “SEPARATOR” as string) & ((year of it as string & month of it as two digits & day_of_month of it as two digits) of (date (universal time zone) of it) & (two digit hour of it & two digit minute of it & two digit second of it) of time (universal time zone) of it) of (first start time of it) & (parameter “SEPARATOR” as string) & ((year of it as string & month of it as two digits & day_of_month of it as two digits) of (date (universal time zone) of it) & (two digit hour of it & two digit minute of it & two digit second of it) of time (universal time zone) of it) of (last time seen of it) & (parameter “SEPARATOR” as string) & (total duration of it / (second / 1000)) as string & (parameter “SEPARATOR” as string) & total run count of it as string) of (instances of application usage summaries whose (not exists matches (regex"^[C|c][C|c][M|m].*[T|t][M|m][P|p]$") of name of it)))}


I encountered this problem last year. The resolution is to disable/re-enable the collection of Application Usage Summaries and Paths.

Change the setting _BESClient_UsageManager_EnableAppUsageSummaryPath = 0 and _BESClient_UsageManager_EnableAppUsageSummary=0, which will clear out the problematic data, and then change them back to 1.

Thanks @itsmpro92, this worked.